The narrator uses allusions to characterize Grendel as
evil. Grendel is described as a "monster born of Cain", alluding to
the biblical story of Cain and Abel (20-21). According to the Bible, Cain was cursed by God for murdering Cain's brother,
Abel. When the narrator mentions Grendel's genealogy, he is proving Grendel's
evilness. By being a descendant of Cain, Grendel is also cursed by God, and
therefore is the epitome of evil. Although Grendel represents this evil, he is
still able to be defeated. Grendel ends up dead, symbolizing the death of the
evilness. With such an evil creature dying, the creature loses the ultimate
Beowulf is an archetype of the Epic Hero. The narrator
uses this archetype to prove his point about good winning the battle against
evil because in being a hero Beowulf is considered good. Beowulf falls into
this Epic Hero category due to his possession of the proper characteristics of
the Epic Hero. For instance, he is brought into the story while Herot is
already experiencing extreme turmoil and terror. Grendel is already killing the
innocent people of Herot and "[running] out with their bodies" before
Beowulf is even mentioned (38). Once he is included in the poem, Beowulf encounters the monster Grendel, a
Grendel's mother, and a dragon, and easily defeats those adversaries, alone. No
one else dares encounter these tasks. To be an epic hero, one must also be the
perfect hero in the eyes of the culture the hero is coming from. Beowulf is the
perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon warrior, also adding to his title as an Epic
Hero, since he belongs to the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf lives and dies
honorably, drinks a lot, and fights monsters. Because of this, he is a prime
example of an Anglo-Saxon hero. He is also a prime example of a Epic Hero,
which proves his goodness. Since he is the symbol of this goodness, and he
defeats the evil monsters, symbolically good defeats evil many times in this
Bloody fights between Beowulf and his opponents,
demonstrated by the gruesome imagery, symbolize the battles between good and
evil. The narrator describes how Grendel's shoulder is "bleeding sinews
deep in his shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke" to emphasize
the struggle between Grendel and Beowulf (497-499). In order to split and break
Grendel's strong muscles and bones, the fight must have been extremely violent.
This violence symbolizes the violence between the fight of good and evil. Just
as it took a lot to damage and ultimately kill Grendel, it sometimes takes just
as much to damage and kill the evilness. But, it is possible, as we see with
Beowulf and Grendel. Beowulf always wins, just as good always wins over evil.
Try as it might, evil cannot overcome good, as is evident
in Beowulf. Grendel represents evil
and Beowulf represents good. Because Beowulf finishes Grendel, it is concluded
that good defeats evil. This realization creates the truth of the poem; good
prevails over evil.
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