Delayed Blogaversary Celebration Dates!

Hello, all!
As you probably know, PrincessReviews's Blogaversary (our blog's anniversary/birthday) is in May. However, this year I was simply way too busy to do anything to celebrate in May! Nevertheless, 3 years of PrincessReviews deserves some sort of celebration, which is why it will be celebrated August 10-17, 2013!
This celebration, although different dates than our usual, will feature some of the same celebratory posts as usual! Tons of giveaways, contests, guest post, reviews, and more! It'll be a blast, so mark it on your calendar! You don't wanna miss this!
Since school is also starting again in August (I'll be a senior this year - yay!) the Blogaversary will be combined with a Back-to-School celebration for twice the fun and excitement!
I hope you all can join us! It'll be blogtacular! :)
Keep Reading,
Tasha Nicole


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