Advice Posts

Hello! Some blogs have Advice Columns. Some days, I don't know what to review or post about. On these days, I would like to post an "Advice Column". I know you might not want advice from me, but it could also be like a suggestion column where you give me suggestions on the blog.
Please either post questions as comments on here, or email me them at princessreviews at gmx dot com. Thanks!


  1. Hi tasha. I'm going through a very difficult situation and could really use some advice. I have an 18 month old daughter and her father wanted nothing to do with us. So I just decided to leave him alone. Now I've been seeing this guy for awhile and I just found out I'm pregnant. The problem is he still lives with his sons mother. Theyre not together he lives there for his son. He wants me to have an abortion which I never believed in. I actually want to have this baby I'm just afraid that if I do we won't be together. I'm afraid it will make it very hard to find someone to be with if I do. But as I said I want this baby. I was on birth control and still got pregnant. So I believe thats a miracle and I think its selfish to kill a baby just because its the wrong time. Have any advice?

  2. The answer will be posted tomorrow. Thank you!


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