iSearch 2010 - Werewolves

This is a paper about Werewolves that I wrote myself last year for a school project. I hope you enjoy and I hope to get some feedback on it, so please, leave comments on what I can do to make it better, what you liked about it, what you hated about it, etc.
All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Tasha <3

The Story of My Search

"Tyler is a werewolf", said Damon, a vampire on one of my favorite TV shows, The Vampire Diaries. Wow, a werewolf, I thought to myself, Werewolves are awesome. I decided I would research werewolves for my I Search project. I knew some things about werewolves, like that most people think they only change during a full moon, but some turn every night. Others, only turn when it's cold out. I also knew that the 3 main ways to change were to be born into it, to get bit by one, or to be injected with the blood of a werewolf. Some other ways I knew could change them were if they killed someone, even by accident, after they were cursed to be one, and if they kissed a non-purebred werewolf. (The non-purebred had to be born into werewolcy.) I wanted to learn more ways people became werewolves, some werewolf history, and when werewolves changed, along with some other minor things, like what hurts them, and if they were real or not. Because I wanted to research werewolves, I wanted to find out more about when they change, how to become a werewolf, and their history.

In order to do this research project, I had to do many things. First, I had to choose a topic. Then I had to come up with three main questions for it; When do they change, how do people become werewolves, and what are some history facts about werewolves? Once I had my questions, it was time to research. As soon as Ms. Watkins had located books for us to use on Alexandria, I headed into the library to get to work. First, I used an encyclopedia book to receive information. Then I used the databases to get even more information, but most was on Twilight, so I hopped on Google and, with the search words werewolf and werewolves, found an article I could use. Noodletools created a Works Cited page for me, using MLA Advanced Format, with the information I provided. I made a title page, and using QQT (Questions for Quality Thinking) mad good paragraphs with the notes I took, and got started writing this paper about Werewolves, my topic.

The Results of My Search

The History of Werewolves is something I wanted to do more research on. The 15-16th centuries were known as the 1400s and 1500s. Columbus was just discovering America around this time. 200 people believed to be werewolves were killed in Pyrenees in the 14-1500s, because they murdered and ate people and were thought to have shape shifted. People thought werewolves were devil servants, like witches (Guiley 317). It was a harsh time and I do not agree that people should be killed for being, or thought to have been, a werewolf. Werewolves were only feared because they could turn wolf and when wolves, eat livestock, horses, and other animals. Mostly, they are harmless.

While researching the history of werewolves, I found out some history on the word werewolf. "The word 'werewolf' or 'man-wolf' was first recorded in Old English in the 11th century in the Ecclesiastical Ordinances of King Cnut" (Guiley 316). Werewolves are creatures that have the ability to shape shift into wolves, and back into their human form. "The shape-shifting ability is called "kuanthropy" or "cyanthropy" which derives from cyanthrope, or man-dog" (Guiley 315). There are even some things written about werewolves being true or not. "King James 1 of England wrote in his Demonology (1597) that werewolves were not people under the influence of the devil, but suffered from delusions and melancholia, and imitated wolf behavior" (Guiley 317). Others think that werewolves could be no more than witches and other magical creatures. "In many cultures, witches, sorcerers, and other magically empowered shift into the forms of wolves" (Guiley 317).

One of my questions was How do people become werewolves?. A wolf strap is just the pelt of a wolf forming into a belt. "By using a so-called wolf strap, any person could transform himself into a werewolf" (Legends of Germany). All they would need to do to turn is put on the strap. To regain their human form, all they would need is for someone to call out the name of the werewolf. Other ways to change back is to throw a piece of iron or steel over it. It is thought that early humans have created strong bonds with wolves. There is proof that many animal cults have had humans gain animal powers by putting on the animal's skin (Guiley 316).

Involuntary and voluntary are the two main types if werewolves. Cursed people are involuntary werewolves, while voluntary are people who gain magic and can become a werewolf when they want. "Characteristics of both types of werewolves are an insatiable desire for the raw flesh and blood of animals and humans, insatiable sexual lusts, wolfish behavior such as howling and running about on all fours, savage attacks on animal and people, and exhaustion after werewolf episodes end. Voluntary wolves change by completely disrobing, donning a girdle or belt made of wolf skin or human skin, rubbing the body with magical ointment, drinking rainwater out of a wolf's footprints, reciting magical incantations, and being aided by the devil or his demons" (Guiley 318).

The last thing I wanted to research about werewolves were how often they change. In Greek, Norse, Scandinavian, Icelandic, and Teutonic legend, werewolves turn on full moons and are either born into it or ask the devils to turn them (Guiley 316). According to Full Moon Exerts No Pull on Frequency of Epileptic Seizures, a full moon does not affect when a werewolf changes. "Contrary to myth, epileptic seizures are not more common during a full moon", said Selim Benbadis, MD, associate professor of neurology and neurosurgery at the USF College of Medicine. "In fact, we found the number was lowest during a full moon and highest during the moon's last quarter" (Full Moon).

The Reflections of My Search

I learned many things while doing this I-Search paper. For example, when learning about my topic, I learned that a very common way to change into a werewolf is by putting on a wolf pelt, and a way of changing back is putting metal over the wolf form. I learned some things about the reasearch process as well. Revising the thesis statement is something I learned you have to do. Just like I learned, you have to use books, databases, and the internet too. I learned many things about werewolves and the research process, including werewolf history, how to become a werewolf, and how often they change.

Works Cited

Asmus, F, et al. Werewolf Lengends of Germany. University of Pittsburg, 27 Feb. 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2010. .

Dayton, Leigh. “Half man, half wolf Creatures like werewolves are as old as humanity itself. (This week).” New Scientist 172.2318 (2001): 19(1). Gale PowerSearch. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. .

“Full moon exerts no pull on frequency of epileptic seizures.” NewsRX 19 June 2004, Obesidy. Fitness & Wellness Week ed.: 379. Gale PowerSearch. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. .

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, ed. The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters. New York: Visionary Living, Inc, 2005. Print.

Phantom, Andrew Dowd. “Conference explores the unexplained (Eau Clare, WI).” Leader-Telegram [Eau Clare, WI] 21 Oct. 2008: n. pag. Gale PowerSearch. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. .


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