Ringling Museum, Sarasota, FL

Back in August, I visited the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, Florida. This museum is all about the Ringling Bro's Circus. Being as I went on a field trip, I did not get much time to explore but the little I could I found interesting. I wish it had been an actual circus, but the miniature displays that were actually quite large were very impressive. It was like being a giant looking down upon a circus or like God watching from above - the figurines moved and everything! The museum however was only one part of the place however. Outside there was a garden and there were several other buildings still left for me to explore by the time I had to leave. The giftshop and Starbucks on site made the heat more bareable, but took valueable time away that I would have liked to spent in another building or looking more at the cool trees outside, or maybe even playing on the playground I saw. Because I went on a field trip, I'm not sure the price, but I'm sure it would have been well worth the money if I was able to see everything and might even be worth a trip back to finish looking.


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