Miss Maryland/Children's Miracle Network Donations!

Hey ya'll!
I'm hoping to participate in the Miss Maryland competitions this year, but first I need to raise some money for the Children's Miracle Network! By donating to help me compete, you will also be helping sick children in the Maryland area and supporting the Miss America Organization.
I had the best time being Miss Queen Anne-Hillsboro VFC Fire Prevention Queen 2012-2014, Distinguished Young Woman of the Eastern Shore for the Class of 2014, and Job's Daughter Honored Queen for Bethel 7 (Dover, DE) and hope to have great times with the Miss Maryland organization as well. Besides those "royal" titles, I also love lifeguarding, scuba diving, travelling and writing for PrincessReviews! If you could help spread the word about donating, or donate anything yourself, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!

PS. Each contestant also needs a platform, or cause other the CMN that they'll be supporting. After finding out about the dangerous situation many immigrants from Central America face while trying to relocate to the USA, I've decided my platform will be to bring attention to this and try to get care packages sent to the countries with the most migrants (starting with Honduras) in hopes of bettering their lives without facing the horrid journey to the states. So by helping me compete you will also be helping this in the long run, should I be successful in any competitions.
Any questions for me I'd be glad to answer. Thank you :)



  1. I tried to donate and it kept giving me an error message. Any ideas?

    1. Thanks for the attempt...I have no idea why it gives you an error message.
      Thanks for visiting PrincessReviews!


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