The Unraveling of Avery Snow

The Unraveling of Avery Snow (Past Lives Series Book 2) by [Sloat, Christy]

The Unraveling of Avery Snow

Christy Sloat

The Past Lives, book 2

About the Author (Amazon):
Christy Sloat is a SoCal born girl who resides in New Jersey currently with her husband, two daughters and Sophie her Chihuahua. Christy has embraced the love of reading and writing since her youth and was inspired by her grandmother’s loving support. Christy passes that love of reading, writing, and creativity to her daughters, family, and friends. When you do not find Christy within the pages of a book you can find her being mommy, wife, crafter, and dear friend. She loves adventurous journeys with her friends and can be known to get lost inside a bookstore. Be sure to venture into her Past Lives Series, The Visitor’s Series, and watch for many more exciting things to come. 
Check out her website
Blog, Facebook: Christy Sloat Author Twitter: ChristySloat

Book Summary (Amazon):
As Avery Snow settles into her life and relationships with those around her, she fights to forget her past lives. All of which she spent with Landon, who still has no recollection of who she really is. It seems better that way. Even though she still feels a draw to his soul, she chooses to ignore it.

For now everything is fine. Her boyfriend, Dallas, has opened a new restaurant. Her friends, Ianni and Kerri, are settling into their lives as well. But when news of a new Dark Guide is revealed, Avery is forced to start thinking about the life she truly leads. One that is very abnormal. One she is desperate to forget. This Dark Guide is determined to make Avery pay for the death of someone she held dear.

Now Avery’s life has gone from seemingly perfect to falling apart. What will be at stake next? Her life? Her love? And who will be there in the end to help her up off the ground? 

Even the strongest love can unravel. 

Will Avery be able to hold it all together, or will she just let go?

I'd Recommend to:
7th-10th grade girls, Hallmark fans

My Rating:

My Thoughts:
Well. Although the last book (see my review of the first book in the series here) did have it's fair share of romance, it had an even amount of paranormal. I'd say about 35/65, romance/paranormal for the first book. This one, however, did a complete turn around being about 70/20/10, romance/paranormal/boring fluff. That's not to say it wasn't a good book; it just went in a different direction than the first.
In fact, it was such a good book that last night it (or the heat) kept me up so I gave in and just finished the book. I spent $4 to finish the book in a day. Oh well, guess it was one I couldn't put down.
I also realized that the reason the first book had some errors and the overall style/flow was juvenile was because this book (and series) was purposefully styled that way to better give off the impression that you are directly in Avery's thoughts, like I sometimes do with my blog posts (especially on my travel blog). I'm not sure why I didn't quite realize that in the first book, but as it became apparent to me in this one it made more sense and bothered me less.
In terms of the story line, you can tell from the beginning that Dallas and Avery's relationship is falling apart. Honestly, I was rooting for Landon since Avery met him and it was about time Dallas and Avery realized they weren't meant to be. If you're reading this book, I assume you read the first and know that Dallas is the reincarnation of Garrison, a man that killed himself in Avery's past life because she chose Landon over him. I thought that the reason Avery was staying with Dallas in this life was to make sure he didn't have the same reaction, so when they finally ended it, I was relieved. Many events led up to that though that had me pretty mad at Avery, so much so that I almost started with a review last night while only halfway through the book (I didn't though and now I've forgotten what I wanted to type). But the ending honestly did surprise me so that's a good plot twist, since I could pretty much see the other ones coming from a mile away.
It was a good ending though. I am pleased. Hopefully I will get to sleep tonight.


  1. You made an article that is interesting.You are so amazing.


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