Interview with Adrienne Wilder

Hey Adrienne Thank you for being here with us. =]
I am about to start Blood Bonds. I'm very excited!
So your book Darwin’s Theory Book 2: Secrets is out March 28, 2011. *cough cough* Today! Go check it out everyone! *cough*

How excited are you for that?
A: I think I’m more nervous.  You know, shaky knees, sweaty palms, the kind of butterflies you get on a first date. 

What inspired you to write?
A: My mother.  But then, she had to do something to stop me from drawing on the walls!

What was the first story you can remember that you really got into and had to write?
A: The Fat Cat Who Sat On The Hat.  I think I was four.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
A: Stephen KingDean Koontz, Anne McCaffery, J.R. Ward, Jordan Castillo Price, Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weise, and many, many more.

Your favorite character?
A: Now that question isn’t fair.  I’m not supposed to like one more than the other.  Actually, it’s probably whichever I'm currently writing about. In this case Darwin.

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
A: You need to have faith in what you write and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Are your books different to your personal favourite books by other authors?
A: Yes.

Do you choose your covers?  
A: In the case of the Darwin’s Theory novella series, I actually got to do the artwork.  Which was super cool!  For City of Dragons: Blood Bonds I was able to describe what I wanted and the cover artist, Ann Cain, worked it up.

Who is your favorite new author?
 A: Wow, another tough one.  I’d have to say it’s probably a tie between Kim Dare, and Sloan Parker. 
How did you start 
 A: I picked up a pen and went with it.

How long does it normally take you to write a book?
A: Depends on the book and how fast the story is hitting me.  I think I average probably a thousand words a day.

What are you most excited about this year?
A: A number of things.  The Darwin Theory novella series, my first self publish adventure (Stained), and always City of Dragons because with luck, book 2 for that series will be out shortly.

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie?
A: City of Dragons: Blood Bonds

What author in the same genre as you do you think is going to be the next big thing?
No clue.  There are so many new writers out there...correction so many GOOD writers out's anyone's guess.

Thank you Adrienne so much!


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