
Showing posts from June, 2013

Kerry Taylor Interview

Interview with author Kerry Taylor!  1. What inspires you to write?  At the moment, ideas pop into my mind all the time.  When, I am at the gym, in front of the television, at the supermarket even on the toilet ( I know too much information). Foremost, when I am at work and I think I hate this job so much, I need to write full-time. 2. Which author do you most aspire to be like? HM Ward, is an indie inspiration at the moment to so many authors.  My heroine Jackie Collins, not sure I can aspire to be as great as her, but there is no harm in trying.  I love the idea of writing books and people enjoying them both men and women.  It is amazing the amount of men that love chick-lit, I had no idea. 3.       Who is your biggest supporter? My boyfriend is at times, then at others my second son, my daughter is my least, she spends most of her time trying to sit on the laptop. Think I spend too much time on there.  Actua...

Kilingiri Book Review

Kilingiri By Janna Gray At first I had a hard time getting into Kilingiri. There was a lot of description and very little dialog in the first chapter. Nina Maitland is very pregnant in Srinagar India. The author describes it beautifully and I could almost feel and smell the scene. However, it opens with a very long explanation of why Nina is unmarried, pregnant and alone on a houseboat. It just seemed a lot of back story so soon in the book. But the plot comes back to the present afterward and flows pretty well from then on. Kilingiri spans over thirty years in the life of Nina and her family, her loves and losses. There are several destinations throughout from Kilingiri, Thailand, Ireland, and England to France. The author introduces each setting with vivid description that sets the mood for that section. After which the reader is not bogged down by heavy description. It instead concentrates on character development and dialog. Nina and Father Michael McKinley are characters...

Brethless Novelette Series Tour

Suffocate #1 in The Breathless Novelette series Suffocate is the first novelette in THE BREATHLESS series. It is a 15,000 word young adult thriller that combines the dystopic and science fiction genres. For centuries, the world outside the Biome has been unlivable. Today, marks the first time anyone will attempt to leave the suffocating ecosphere. Eria is not worried because her scientist father has successfully tested the new Bio-Suit many times.  It's a celebratory day until something goes horribly wrong. In the midst of tragedy, Eria uncovers a deep conspiracy in her perfect bubble. If those responsible find out what she knows, they won't stop hunting her until she takes her last breath. The 2nd novelette in the series, CHOKE, is scheduled for June 2013. The 3rd, EXHALE, is scheduled for Winter 2013 Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble Choke, #2 in The Breathless Novelette series   When Eria escapes her home in the Biome, she uncovers more about ...

Girls State/Boys State

GIRLS STATE REVIEW BY TASHANICOLE A weeklong adventure packed with tons of information about our local and national government, Girls State was an experience I do not regret. I made tons of new friends and learned a lot more.  We all had the opportunity to run for official positions. I was the states' attorney for the mock trial held Friday morning, and I was elected the position of a city council member. I also ran for county Sheriff, but many people also ran, and I lost. But I helped our Alternate Senator win her position and helped my other friend campaign for Governor.   The week has left me extremely tired (which is why this is such a short post), but definitely not hungry; the food was great! I took away some key things from the experience, and many people found passions for the government and politics they did not know they previously had. Many only went because it looks good on college applications and ended up having the time o...

Rachel Who? - Guest Post by Tasha Haight

This poem is a parody of Sandra Cisneros' "Abuelito Who" to fit the personality of Barbara Kingsolver's Rachel Price from the Posionwood Bible Rachel Who by Tasha Haight Rachel who whines like a sad dog and wishes to leave who is clothes and nail polish who is a plane and a ticket out of Africa whose hair is made of silk is too concerned with herself everyday who tells me in Afrikaans Want so lief het God die... who tells me in French Car Dieu a tant aime le monde... whose eyes are skies can't escape Africa sleeps in her Equatorial hotel who used to despise all of Africa is selfish is a Barbie tied to this land is stuck man oh man doesn't live in America anymore is rich in the French Congo who has lived here for long oh is martinis and cigarettes and friends who marries men time and time and time again is the Fourth of July of her family wishing to leave to leave where to?

The Ignorant Voice of Rachel Price in Barbara Kingsolver's The Posionwood Bible - A Guest Post by Tasha Haight

The Ignorant Voice of Rachel Price in Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible by Tasha Haight The oldest of Orleanna's four children, Rachel Rebeccah Price, should be the most aware of the happenings occurring around her, yet she appears to only be interested in one thing - herself.      In Barbara Kingsolver's novel The Poisonwood Bible , Kingsolver uses clichĆ©s and malapropisms to create Rachel's nescient voice thereby illustrating the stereotypical American citizen's ignorance concerning Congolese politics.             Rachel is the personification of American society, so it seems only fitting for Kingsolver to include several clichĆ©s in each of Rachel's vignettes.  Common clichĆ©s are actually how this real-life Barbie complains about her highly unfortunate situation she is stuck in.  When Rachel exclaims "I always wanted to be the belle of the ball, but, jeepers, is this ever the wrong ba...

American Freak Book Review

American Freak from The Young Saints Series by Jim Alexander Rice is about three guys who do what a lot of us would like to do: clean up the crime in America. Miles Seymour Dane is our narrator through the escapades of three young men over a year of ā€œcitizenā€™s arrests,ā€ thousands of dollars of reward money and good intentions gone wrong. Miles, Herb and E.R. decide to go after the FBIā€™s Most Wanted list. Each chapter is a written account of events of each capture. Miles has an exceptionally high IQ and has a photographic memory and little respect for authority. He seems to always look for trouble. Herbā€™s technology know-how and ability to get just about anything contributes greatly in their searches. E.R. is the muscle. When I first started this book, I had the image of a Law and Order episode. Miles recounts the date, time and place of every capture. Due to his photographic memory, if Miles mentions something like a song he cites the author and year. This is done pretty...

Super Spies Guest Post

Itā€™s Here! The third book in the Super Spies Series! Below are the cover, blurb, and an excerpt! Check it out! To celebrate this new release the first two books are on sale for $.99! Check it out! Itā€™s a series you wonā€™t want to miss! This book opens in a small town in Michigan where fifteen-year-old Sarah Cole is stuck spending the summer at her Aunt and Uncleā€™s with her sister, Lacey. Sheā€™s not happy with the situation until she befriends a girl named Jackie. The three girls stumble upon the ruthless murder of a reclusive neighborhood woman. One of the officers investigating the crime believes the girls are responsible for her death. Fearing that this officer will frame them for the murder, the girls organize their own detective squad. They become the Super Spies and start their own fact-finding mission.   The Super Spies canā€™t understand why anyone would want to murder the ā€œCat Ladyā€ until they start digging into her past and discover a horrible crime that happened th...

Kerry Taylor Guest Post (continued)

Kerry Taylor previously did a guest post with us but would like the following to be annexed on: Why Writing Is A Physical Therapy? I release my constipation of frustrations, anxieties and demons in my mind.  Writing allows me to imagine being in a different place, which at times is a good place, but lately most of the time it is a bad place.  After the discharge, I feel the need to cleanse all the demons within and I am able to run with the wind as I jog at night.  Or continue to liberate the frustrations during my spinning class.  Writing brings so much joy to my life, which I never dreamed were possible. Links to the books: Blind Dating Love or Money Fly, Pray, Love Blind Divorcing She Said: He Said Nearly Natal (Part I) overweig...

Clip in hair extensions


Sorry about the videos not having sound, for some reason my phone doesn't record sound. HairExtensionDeal.Com currently has a special going where if you buy something, you'll receive a free extension, either a colorful single extension or a feather extension. These are cute accessories that can be easily added to any outfit! This deal should really be taken advantage of.

Feather extension

Talented Book Review

Talented by Sophie Davis is the first in the Talented series. Natalia Lyons is only eighteen, but at the McDonough School for the Talented she is an exceptional Mind Manipulator (she can read and influence othersā€™ minds). Her only goal is to enter the Hunter program with TOXIC, a government agency, and avenge her parentsā€™ deaths. The book takes place during her Senior year which is her Pledge year, where she trains with a team and prepares her for her solo mission that will determine whether she graduates and becomes a Hunter. It doesnā€™t help that she is one of only a few female Hunters. Things are also complicated when Taliaā€™s love life begins to interfere with her training. Talented flows well and Talia has an easy voice to follow, so it is an easy read. Taliaā€™s character is tough, yet vulnerable enough to identify with. I was able to get a pretty clear idea of who she was. The supporting cast is decent although some secondary characters didnā€™t differentiate in my mind. I...