Princess Stories Real Bible Stories of God's Princesses Book Review

Princess Stories Real Bible Stories of God's Princesses by Carolyn Larsen. This is a great book to show young girls that they are special and that everyone has a gift to give from God. I wished I had this book growing up. You hear about the great men of the Bible, but I never knew all the wonderful women of the Bible. It also encourages young girls and builds confidence in showing how each woman was special in God's eyes and his plan. Each story tells of a different princess in her own words about her life. For example, there is The Forgiven Princess (the woman at the well) and The Brave Princess (Rahab). The illustrations are colorful and girly. There are also Princess Ponderings that ask your little princess thoughtful questions such as "Have you ever been very brave? What happened?"
My daughter loved this book and almost read it all the way through when she first received it. It is very easy to read and understand.

Rating: 5/5


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