Guests Posts!

Here at PrincessReviews, we are striving to create a more friendly atmosphere where the viewers are not just boring readers, but actual interacters.
One way we allow our readers to interact is through comments. We do not have security questions slowing down the rate you can comment and making commenting more difficult. Another way we have the viewers interacting is through contests and giveaways, which there are plenty of currently up, so go check them out.
Our newest way to get the readers to interact with us and become more a part of PrincessReviews and less a part of some outside world that is aware of PrincessReviews, but not involved with it, is the ability for readers to create posts that if approved will be up on PrincessReviews in no time!

Each Sunday we will post a new post submitted by one of our guests. At the bottom will be the form to submitt your entry so you don't need to keep coming back to this page. The guest will be able to have the title, the post, and thier name on the post, so everything is genuinely the reader's post, except for the submit form at the bottom.
The post can be about anything that you want, except for advertising. You may include a little advertising, but your whole post cannot be about advertising. Since this is a review site, we enccourage reviews, and even interviews if you can get them. We also allow and encourage articles, as long as they are not the actual articles, and if they are, be sure you state that and we will say it was your idea to post it, but we will give credit where credit is due.

To submit an entry, just fill out this form here:

Thank you!

PS. Please leave some comments with what you think of this idea and what other things we can do to have you more involved with us here.


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