Busy Schedule, Need Help!

As you could tell from yesterday's post, I'm a bit busy and need some help posting things! Here at PrincessReviews, we post reviews, interviews, contests, giveaways, and guest posts!
I would greatly appreciate any help that anyone can give!
If you would like to become a full-time (blogs as much as possible when available) blogger for PrincessReviews, like me or Cherese, feel free to let me know! Part-time (around 2-3 postings per month) bloggers are welcomed, too! If you just have one or two posts you'd like me to publish here, just email them to me at princessreviews@inbox.com and I'll be sure to get it up!
Full-time and part-time bloggers will receive review requests, which they can decline or accept, a guideline as to how to publish things on PrincessReviews, and an invite to be a publisher for PrincessReviews. If they have a Facebook  they will also be put in a PrincessReviews Staff group on Facebook. 
Any and all help is welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!(:


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