Midnight Hunter
Title: Midnight Hunter Author: Bonnie Bernard Series: Midnight Hunter Trilogy About the Author: (book) Bonnie Bernard is an alter ego of a feisty redhead who lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, a dog, and two cats - one of which owns everybody and everything in the house. They share their old home with a ghost who likes to flip switches and throw power tools until he gets what he wants (bright, shiny objects to play with). Bonnie spends her time writing, hiking, and having fun with her friends. She enjoys planting obscure specimens in the backyard garden to see what pops up, and she's fascinated by unseen forces and creepy-crawly things. Midnight Hunter is her first full-length fiction work. Find out more at www.midnighthuntertrilogy.com Summary: (Amazon) Donna McCormick is a smart, pretty college student whose twenty-first birthday is a week away. Unfortunately, so is her murder - unless the mysterious man from the darkness can reach her first. Donna is pursued...